Tim Vin is an illustrator based in Brussels, Belgium.​​​​​​​

Request & Licensing : info@timvin.com

Instagram : _timvin

Photo :  Felisa Cereceda


My artistic work began 25 years ago, evolving from simple school drawings to street art projects or even real projects on amnesia so present today. 
Artworks have been presented in galleries, in various art fairs or simply in the street.

At the same time, my professional work has allowed me to remain active in the digital sector. I work as a professional retoucher of photographic images for many photographers, both nationally and internationally.

Today I combine the two by using both traditional drawing and digital tools to create illustrations.


The project "C'est pas pour rire que les gens pleurent" (It's not for laughs that people cry) produced during the Covid period is a book of illustrations talking about the contrasts and social inequalities that are increasingly visible in our cities.

The latest project "The Selknam" ( 2024 ) tries to fit into the necessity to transmit the memory of a culture from people of southern Latin America trough their ceremonial called " The Hain".


• 2000-2010: various artistic achievements.
• 2001: Exhibition "Arbr" at the cultural and scientific center of the ULB.
• 2009: Exhibition "Amnesia" at the gallery "Tom Joye art center" in Brussels and Namur.
• 2010: Selected for the "Belgium Calling" section of the Lineart 2010 International Art Fair, 29th edition, in Ghent, Belgium.
• 2010-2012: Street Art illustration project: "Mr Jo".
• 2012: "Mr jo" exhibited at the gallery "Joye Gallery".
• 2013: Exhibition "Premiers Gestes" at Gallery 44
• 2019: Exhibition "Amnesia" at "Tournfluss".
• 2020: Illustration project in progress "The Selknam".
• 2021: Self published book "C'est pas pour rire que les gens pleurent" (It's not for laughs that people cry).
• 2022: Ongoing illustration project "Future Youth" on the theme of youth.
• 2022 - 2024: Illustration project "The Selknam"

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